Oh, I'm just a mess. Some days, I quite like that about myself. Other days, I've never been more annoyed than when I'm unable to control my own feelings. It's a horrible, helpless feeling. I go back and forth between these two scenarios. I also go back and forth between whether or not to share this with the world around me. However, something I absolutely adore is when someone shows me their human side. When they put their flaws out there for everyone to see, unashamedly, with the affirmation that they have been covered by the blood of Jesus and now stand pure and flawless. I relish in these moments. Moments in which I get to reply "Me, too" to a friend who is allowing me to step into their mess of a life. Some people don't like it. I can't help but to feel that those people also just don't get it. Like the woman who, on a Sunday morning (and also who I'd never met or seen before), expressed her disgust at the fact that I didn't have my shoes on. "I know it's Arizona and it's hot here, but come on, this is church." Very briefly did her biting comment sting, but then I realized that it's just because she doesn't know. She doesn't know that I take my shoes off during Worship on Sunday mornings because at that time, I am on holy ground {Exodus 3:5}. Some people just don't know. And that's okay. People will make their judgments no matter what you do. The point is, to whom do you answer? The world? Or the King?
With all of that said, I am indeed a mess. But today I quite like that about myself. It gives me a chance to make me a little smaller, and to make God bigger.
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