Sunday, April 8, 2012

Updates and Nails

Quite a lot of new things to share! That's fun. I've been waiting to blog until I actually had something to blog about - then I started having things to blog about but didn't have the time to do it! So this is neat.

Breathe... and... here we go.

Quick updates:
Garden is growing well! I think I've gotten all the broccoli from  my broccoli plants that I'm going to get. It's getting too hot out there for their taste. The peas are growing really well! I don't have a picture and I don't feel like taking one right now, but they're about a foot high off of the ground. Brussel sprouts are getting way big, so that's fun. I've got about 10 carrots growing now. Also, I planted a strawberry plant! Needed some fruit out there. We'll see how that goes.
I did get the job at BevMo and my Jo-Ann Fabric interview is this Wednesday - so we will see how that goes. Sigh. More to say about that later.

Let me add that we have The Office on currently so if I type a sentence that doesn't make sense, blame Steven Carell.

Chris' 26th birthday was this past Wednesday, and we had a great time; it was a very relaxing day. We were given tickets to the Diamondbacks' last training game. Beautiful weather, great seats, it was awesome. Then we went to our friends' house for cake, which you can see here:

This was when Shannon spilled Chris' piece of cake on his lap. Anika thought it was pretty funny that Uncle Chris had a piece of cake on his lap. :)

Thursday I had my 7:30a-4p Training Day for BevMo in Scottsdale. It went well, it was nice to be on a level playing field with the other new guys. Unfortunately, mid-day I got a gnarly migraine that lasted into the evening. Speaking of which, that night was the first night of the season for Paper Hearts Ballet! If you don't know what Paper Hearts Ballet is, you've got to check out our Facebook page! - make sure you go there and contact Miss Lyndsy, the instructor. The season may have started but you can still join in!

Friday. Now Friday was especially epic. ONE Community Church had its first Good Friday service. What we did was we had five "Stations of the Cross", each "station" highlighted a different moment in Jesus' final hours. Here are a few photos I took after everyone had gone:

Station 1 - The Last Supper

We had reading material prepared for everyone to read as they went through each station, and in this first station people were able to partake in Communion, giving thanks for Jesus giving His body and blood for us.

Station 2 - The Garden of Gethsemane
This station encouraged each person to focus on prayer. There's something powerful about going away by yourself and kneeling in humbleness while speaking with God.

Station 3 - Jesus is Beaten and Mocked // The Crucifixion

This room was really difficult for me to plan. It felt all too real to lay the nails out on the table for people to use to hammer into the wood. And that act, hammering the nails into the wood when I went through the stations after everyone had left, was an incredibly emotional act. I placed the nail on the wood where I planned to hit it in, I lifted the mallet, and just began to weep. All I could think is, "Because of man's sins (including mine, of course), Jesus had to die. He took those nails so I don't have to." And in that moment, I felt the reality of the pain He went through. Of course, I can't even imagine it to the extent that it actually happened, but when I finally hit that nail into the wood, I felt such sorrow for what He had to go through for people who may or may not even care about Him. Some people don't even realize what He did for them. I so wish they would meet Him and thank Him for saving them from going through what He went through.

Station 4 - The Crucifixion Continued

In this station, we showed a clip of The Crucifixion from the movie, "The Gospel of John". I didn't get a picture of it because it was too dark in the room. But it was very hard to WATCH what happened to Jesus as opposed to reading it. I have no words.

Station 5 - The Tomb

This is the only good picture I got of this station. Shown in the picture above are the spices used for burial in Jesus' time; they were used on the body to prevent decaying. There was another table in this station with candles for people to light in remembrance and thankfulness for His sacrifice. 

It was beautiful and sorrowful. A very deep experience that I will not forget. 

Then Saturday happened. Saturday was not a good day. Saturday was my first official day working for BevMo. I won't get into full detail, but I can honestly say I hated every minute of it. A seriously bad day and I'm sad that I have to go back. Being an adult is lame sometimes. Obligation doesn't sit well with me. But, I'm sure most of you know that. 

Brighter note, Easter service with ONE Community Church was just amazing today. I feel like my soul took a long, full breath of air. I just want to relish in that for as long as I can. What a beautiful, living Savior. I hope all of you meet Him as soon as you can if you haven't already. He loves you so much. 

Tonight we're going to my parents' house for an Easter dinner. I can't wait to share with them about what happened on Good Friday, and celebrate with them the life we have in Jesus. Happy Easter, everyone. :)


1 comment:

  1. The Good Friday service sounds like it was amazing. Hopefully I can make it there next year. You are awesome! Love you! :-)
